mesin laser cutting cnc untuk ukiran logam

Mesin Pemotong Laser CNC Untuk Logam Ukiran

Deskripsi Produk

The super high photo-electric conversion efficiency can be up to about 30%. So the machine runs with very low power consumption.

Dibantu dengan sinar laser yang berkualitas baik, titik fokusnya kecil, dan jahitan pemotongannya sangat baik.

Efisiensi kerjanya tinggi, dan kualitasnya bagus dengan menggunakan serat berlapis ganda (DCF).

Spot light menikmati kualitas yang baik. Dan mesin sedikit terdistorsi. Selain itu, benda kerja bahkan memotong jahitan.

Jalur cahaya yang tertutup sepenuhnya terdiri dari unit laser serat dan laser serat.

Laser serat dan unit serat laser digabungkan bersama berdasarkan teknologi sambungan kabel. Dan jalur cahaya keseluruhan tertutup dalam pandu gelombang laser serat.

Tidak perlu cermin dalam generator laser. Tidak ada gas yang bekerja di generator laser. Dan tidak perlu merawat generator laser saat mesin berjalan.

Transmisi serat optik tidak memerlukan cermin reflektor. Alat berat menghemat biaya perawatan.

Efisiensi sangat stabil dan dapat diandalkan dengan mengadopsi modul laser pompa dioda.

Cukup nyaman untuk mengoperasikan dan memelihara mesin. Tidak perlu menyesuaikan jalur cahaya dengan sistem transmisi serat optik.

Dengan masa kerja yang sangat panjang, unit-unit utama dapat bekerja seratus ribu jam tanpa pemeliharaan.

Nama PeralatanMesin pemotong laser seratMesin pemotong laser seratMesin pemotong laser seratMesin pemotong laser serat
Kekuatan laser400W500W1000W2000W
Panjang gelombang laser1070nm1070nm1070nm1064nm
Rentang pemotongan3000mm ×1500mm3000mm ×1500mm3000mm ×1500mm3000mm ×1500mm
Ulangi akurasi posisi0,02mm0,02mm0,02mm0,02mm
thicknessMiddle steel≤3mmMiddle steel≤5mmMiddle steel≤8mmMiddle steel≤14mm
Dimension of main machine(L×W×H)4380x2500x19704380x2500x19704380x2500x19704380x2500x1970
Transmission system core accessoriesRack: YYC (original imported)
Linear guide: ABBA (original imported)
Servo motor: Japanese Yaskawa
Sistem pengaturanInternational professional metal laser cutting machine dedicated software
Kepala pemotongan laserOriginal imported from America
Automatically follow focusing systemOriginal imported
Format grafisDXF/DWG
Aimed atRed instructions, CNC adjustment

pelayanan kami


1). Quality assurance system

Company organizes the production as per ISO9001:2008 standard. From design control, process control, inspection control to delivery, installed and service, the whole process control. The running of quality system performs quality manual, procedure files, work instruction and related technical and management standard together with standard and regulation layout by company strictly. Quality system realizes whole screw and whole procedure control completely.

2). Quality assurance procedure for important out-source parts.

a. Mainly out-sourced parts: control system, cylinder, hydraulic components, motor, pump etc.

b. After evaluation, select qualified suppliers as business partners.

c. Purchasing according to plan, purchase contract, quality requirement, technical standard and inspection standard.

d. Receiving inspection on site either in supplier or our company with related technicians.


1). Design examine

When designing and manufacturing the machines, manufacturer should be as per ISO9001 standard strictly to assure the system be performed effectively. According to contract requirement, to supply quality eligible, meet the professional design standard.

2). Operator training

During the installing and commissioning period, supplier arrange time to training buyer’s operator including operation, maintenance etc. supplier should solve the buyer technical questions about operation, maintenance and technics etc. Operator trained by supplier should do his commitment independently.


1). Installation and setting;

Manufacturer is in charge of the machines installation &. commissioning. User is request for in charge of the round tickets &.boarding &. necessary salary of the engineers.

2). After-sale-service;

Manufacturer will in charge of the technical service for the whole using life of the machine.
